Stacy and Charlie smiling and embracing.

Transgender/Nonbinary Education & Trainings

TNET is a small business offering accessible, inclusive, high-quality trans education for all sorts of groups. We're here to help you gain confidence, knowledge, and comfort when it comes to the trans and nonbinary community. Ready to dive in?

© 2023-2024 Stacy Fatemi & Charlie Alexander


TNET (Transgender/Nonbinary Education & Trainings) is an education-focused agency owned, founded, and staffed by trans educators Stacy Fatemi (they/them) and Charlie Alexander (they/them). TNET offers trainings, workshops, and print materials designed to help all people understand and interact with trans and nonbinary people more effectively.

A full-body photo of Stacy, who is wearing a simple necklace with a black jumpsuit and black boots. They're holding their arm.


Stacy Fatemi 🔊 (they/them) is a nonbinary trans educator of color from Albuquerque, New Mexico. After coming out as trans at the age of 17, Stacy began casually educating others to address a gap in gender knowledge that affected their everyday life. Now, at age 27, they are passionate about educating people on gender-neutral language, physical transition-related topics, and equitable access for trans athletes.

Before TNET came to be, Stacy did trainings as the first Education & Outreach Program Manager for the Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico, and made educational works for the Health Equity Alliance for LGBTQ+ New Mexicans. They're also the author of Pronouns: What's the Big Deal?, an 8-page booklet that details the ins and outs of basic linguistic respect towards trans and nonbinary folks. When not at work, Stacy can be found making metal, punk, and ambient music with their longtime friend, the 6-string bass guitar.


A full-body photo of Charlie, who's wearing a striped long-sleeve shirt, a rainbow watch, jeans with a belt, and colorful boots. They're smiling and holding up a peace sign.

Charlie Alexander 🔊 (they/them) is a trans and nonbinary parent to two kids. After winding up pregnant at age 17 without access to any support, resources, or assistance, Charlie became ferociously passionate about educating folks on important topics such as sexual health, boundaries and consent, radical love, and all things sex-, sexuality-, and gender-related. They believe whole-heartedly that education is the foundation to liberation which led them to join Stacy in building TNET in January of 2023.

In 2022, Charlie earned two Bachelor of Arts degrees in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Sociology, as well as a Certificate in Race and Social Justice from the University of New Mexico. They plan to continue their educational journey in graduate school.

Charlie is passionate about intersectional feminism, disability justice, and transgender issues. They co-founded a disability justice group in 2021 called Crip Liberation. In their free time, Charlie enjoys reading, making art, roller skating, volunteering, and spending time with their sweet children.

Course offerings

Here are all the different trainings you can request. Each course has a duration, format, and audience listed. There is always time for questions and answers—and since we believe in good time management, the durations given for each training include all the time needed! More about format can be found in the FAQ.

We'll train any group of 5 or more people,* with no maximum audience size. We also do regularly scheduled public trainings, which are listed on the TNET Store Events page!

We recommend starting with a 100-level course, because those will have more basic concepts and provide a foundation for the 200-level courses. Here's the breakdown for each category:

100-level courses: Entry-level courses that introduce basic information and terms. We recommend you start here if you don't know a lot about these topics, you have an uneven level of understanding throughout the group, or want to lay a sturdy foundation for additional trainings!

200-level courses: Meatier topics. We recommend you start here if you already have a solid understanding of the basic concepts and want to build upon your existing knowledge.

300-level courses: The meatiest! We recommend you start here if you are trans/nonbinary. Otherwise, come back to these when you've taken some 100- and 200-level courses. These are highly specialized (and oftentimes long) trainings that require a rock-solid foundation to fully digest and appreciate.

*(What if I don't have 5 people?)


100-level courses

#101: Transgender Cultural Fluency ★

2 hours (why?) ~ In-person or virtual
For: Anyone and everyone!
Audience interaction level: 2 ••◦

The tried and true workhorse of trans education! Even old pros can learn a thing or two from this training. We'll cover everything you need to know from the ground up, get a little bit of practice in, and learn how we can all be better advocates. This is an excellent go-to for everyone to get on the same page and build up to greater levels of education together!

Extra content is available for medical professionals, educators, correctional workers, and legal professionals.

#123: School Best Practices for Trans & Nonbinary Students

2 hours, incl. 30-minute Q&A ~ In-person or virtual
For: Anyone who works with or in schools!
Audience interaction level: 1 •◦◦

School is a crucible for many, but especially so for trans and nonbinary kids. In fact, a quarter of trans kids in the US reported having to switch schools due to safety concerns in 2019! Different practices can make things a whole lot more bearable, though, from simple language to district-wide procedural directives. We'll take a look at many of these practices and show how they can impact the lives of trans youth for the better.

#131: Consent, Boundaries, Gender, and You

2 hours ~ In-person or virtual
For: Anyone who has a body!
Audience interaction level: 2 ••◦

Consent and setting boundaries around intimacy and bodies are some of the most important proficiencies a human being can have. But is any of that different for trans people? Absolutely, so let's talk about it! In this workshop, we'll take a look at the intricacies of consent, what "yes" and "no" feel like, and how to navigate power dynamics in a consensual way. We'll also discuss how to have important conversations around these topics, and go over some tips for safety planning should a situation go awry. If you think you know everything there is to know about consent, boundaries, and how it all relates to gender, just remember: it's something we can all be better at!

#144: Tucking & Binding Safely and Effectively

1 hour ~ In-person only
For: Trans/nonbinary people, and anyone who loves and/or provides care to them!
Audience interaction level: 3 •••

Many trans people engage in tucking or binding to flatten certain parts of their silhouette. It’s not always easy to find accurate information about either of the two—unless, of course, you attend this workshop! Learn all about these processes, how to do them more safely, ways to reduce discomfort, and even how to make your own gaff in this interactive session. Want to read about it instead? Check out our zines Tucking Safely & Effectively and Binding Safely & Effectively!

#178: Gender Outside the Binary

2 hours ~ In-person or virtual
For: All sorts of people!
Audience interaction level: 2 ••◦

What does it mean to be nonbinary? And what's it really like to be a nonbinary person? There are many answers, and they're all right! In this training, you can learn about nonbinary genders, transitions, relationships, moments of realization, and much more.

200-level courses

#202: Have Your Trans Intersectionality and Eat It Too

2 hours ~ In-person or virtual
For: Anyone who's got a grasp of the basics!
Audience interaction level: 1 •◦◦
Recommended prerequisite: #101 or equivalent knowledge (see #101 outline)

What if a 201 was just better? It'd be this: a truly in-depth, vivid look at the layered cake of intersectionality and how it relates to transness! We'll look at the complex multiplicity of identities one can hold, and the many exponential impacts this can have on life and transition. Topics of discussion include race, ability, class, and even age!

#234: Busting the Binary in the English Language

2 hours ~ In-person or virtual
For: Those who want tools, language, and practice!
Audience interaction level: 3 •••

Stacy's favorite workshop! Learn dozens of strategies for making gender-neutral language a habit in your everyday speech with this workshop. It's heavy on the participation—but don't worry, we won't call on you! With the provided 6-page worksheet, you can follow along during the session and bolster your confidence; there are even take-home activities to continue practicing and build on what you learn!

#249: Gender Exploration with Young People

2–2½ hours ~ In-person or virtual
For: Adults who work with young people!
Audience interaction level: 3 •••
Recommended prerequisite: #101 or equivalent knowledge (see #101 outline)

Talking about gender and sexuality with young people can seem daunting and uncomfortable, because sometimes we don't even know where to start. However, having the right tools can give you confidence in navigating those conversations—so, here’s a chance to practice pertinent strategies for respect, affirmation, and compassion! We'll bust some myths about transness and youth, learn about childism and the forms it can take, and use some real-world scenarios to polish our skills in this interactive workshop. Worksheets will be provided.


Question & Answer Session

15–60 minutes ~ In-person or virtual

Want more than a 5–10 minute Q&A at the tail end of a training? For just a nominal fee, you can get all your burning questions answered in the fullest level of detail that they deserve! We can even take anonymous or pre-written questions to make sure everyone has a chance to ask what they need. Remember: we're educators, and we'll do anything in the name of education, so don't worry if you don't know how to ask your questions! We don't expect you to know all the jargon; we'll always meet you where you're at.

Future trainings

We're always working on new stuff! These are the big ideas we have right now. If you give us a month or two of advance notice, we'll double down and get one of these trainings ready for you, and you'll get a taste of something new!

#99: The Difference Between Sex & Gender

1–1½ hours ~ In-person recommended
For: Groups that don't know where to start!

The best primer to a full-on trans training you ever did see! Stereotypes and expectations can affect our relationships, careers, and even food choices—they're impossible to get away from in a society as gendered as ours. In this course, we'll think of the gender roles that govern our culture, and dissect the impacts they have on us. A great intro for groups of all ages!

#216: The People v. Transphobia

2 hours ~ In-person or virtual
For: Cis allies, aspiring cis allies, HR departments, and families of trans people!

Trans people, in general, experience transphobia. This can be mitigated, though, through a variety of strategies, based on the situation! It's important for cis allies to know how to combat transphobia in the moment, support the affected people afterwards, and take steps to prevent these situations from occurring in the first place. In this workshop, we'll learn a variety of tactics to use, and go through some scenarios to see the merits of intervening in specific ways!

#285: Christianity and Transness

2 hours ~ In-person or virtual
For: Churches, Christian and formerly Christian trans people, and families of trans people!

What does the Bible say about transness? Historically, how has Christianity suppressed ideas of gender-nonconformity and contributed to negative stigma against the queer community (and more specifically, the trans community)? All this and more will be revealed in this training, along with information about how to best support trans churchgoers and trans people healing from religious trauma.

#300: Transgender History & Culture

Available as: #300A, #300B, or combination
For: Trans/nonbinary people, anyone who works with trans/nonbinary people, and anyone who's curious!
Prerequisite: #202 or equivalent knowledge (see #202 outline)

#300a: Transgender History

2 hours ~ In-person or virtual

Did you know that there was a whole institute in the 1930's dedicated to advancing trans rights? Or that there were many queer riots before the one at Stonewall? Prepare to have your minds blown with the rich, storied history of transness in the Western world!

#300b: Transgender Culture

2 hours ~ In-person or virtual

Have you heard of "trans moms" and "trans dads" who might not actually be parents? What about the idea of "passing", or even T4T relationships? Learn about all the cultural hallmarks that make our communities thrive today!

#312: Putting the Trans Inclusion (Back) Into Feminism

1–3 hours ~ In-person or virtual
For: Queer/feminist groups, GSAs, and ERGs!

Trans-exclusionary ideology is frighteningly common, even in progressive spaces. As it turns out, this ideology actually has a couple of base beliefs that inform the rest of it. Let's name those, and figure out how to change our way of thinking about gender for the better!

Have an idea for another course? (Maybe one that we can collaborate on?) Send us an email and let us know!

© 2023-2024 Stacy Fatemi & Charlie Alexander


One of our principal values at TNET is that of accessibility. That is, we believe our content and the education we provide should have as few barriers to access as possible. Here are some of the ways we try to improve accessibility:

  • Image and video descriptions for all social media and website images

  • Alt text embedded in all images

  • Captions on all video content

  • Live transcription on all virtual trainings, as well as the option to turn it on for in-person trainings (requires an internet connection)

  • Screen reader versions of all digital content created by TNET co-owners (these are .txt files that include image descriptions for all illustrations/imagery and all text in the zine)

  • Sliding scale prices for all TNET trainings

  • Sliding scale prices on all TNET Originals at the TNET Store

  • Digital and physical copies available for all TNET Originals at the TNET Store

  • Five free discount codes per month given to trans folks so they can get free zines from us

  • Accessibility menu on all websites

  • TNET co-owners masked at all trainings and public events (we also mask in all public places outside of TNET goings-on, because we believe in disability justice!)

  • Encouragement for all trainees to mask during trainings and public events (we bring masks for anyone willing to wear them)

  • Trainings and content offered low-cost or even free to folks who cannot afford to pay us but would still greatly benefit from receiving it

  • Coming soon: Spanish-language trainings and content

We are always willing to do better. If there is something that would make our content more accessible to you, please let us know!


We strongly encourage masking at all in-person trainings. This keeps us safe, and keeps everyone else safe, too. As public speakers, we need to be able to use our voices to their full capacities all the time. Even a minor cold can negatively impact our work.

Masking also supports one of our core values—that of disability justice. When everyone masks, it helps immunocompromised people (as well as those with immunocompromised loved ones) be more included in the activities we offer.

We wear our masks when we present, but we always make sure to project and enunciate enough to be understood. If you'd like us to not wear our masks, we will need every other human being in the room to be wearing theirs at all times.

© 2023-2024 Stacy Fatemi & Charlie Alexander


If you're unsure where to start, please schedule a call with us so we can figure out what works best for you and your group! If you already know what you want, you can schedule a training with the button below. Lastly, if you just want to ask a question, you can either hit the button or call or email us directly.If you'd like to know more about prices for the courses, please visit the pricing page.


Transgender/Nonbinary Education & Trainings
Albuquerque, NM, USA

Phone: +1 (505) 219-1949
Instagram: @tnet.trainings

Stacy Fatemi


Charlie Alexander


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Format

1.1 In-person trainings

1.1.1: What do you need for in-person trainings?

An address, a place to park, directions to the room, and a way to display our slides! Either a big TV screen or a projector work just fine. Please take note of this, though: if the projector in the training room is wireless, we will need to know in advance so we can download the necessary drivers. Please let us know the brand and model of the projector, as well as any other connection info we might need to pair one of our computers to it.

We always bring a laptop of our own with the slides on it, but we try to have a flash drive with us too just in case. All our presentations are local files, so we don't need an internet connection at all unless we need to broadcast the training from my computer, unexpectedly need to download any projector drivers, or need to enable Live Transcription on PowerPoint.

If 40 or more people will be in attendance, we’ll probably need amplification so we don’t have to yell. We try to bring our own PA and mic to all trainings just in case, but we don't always have them available. Plus, knowing how many people will attend is helpful because some of our trainings come with a companion worksheet/handout.

1.1.2: Do you host in-person trainings yourself?

No, we unfortunately don't have the space for that. If you don't either, let's do a virtual training!

1.1.3: Do you require masking?

We try to! Since we're guests in every space we enter, we don't have the power to truly require it. We did write a little about it here, though. TL;DR: it's strongly encouraged—we're professional voice users, so even a mild cold can get us down. We also believe in disability justice which means masking is an ethical factor for us. We will always enter your spaces masked.

1.1.4: Can I get an in-person training outside of New Mexico?

Yes! It'll be more expensive and harder to schedule, though. We'll need travel expenses covered, and to block off enough time on the training calendar to get there and back.

1.1.5: How should the room be arranged?

Hey, as long as everyone can see/hear the content and there is at least one (1) chair near the computer, arrange the room however you'd like! We know that some attendees like to take notes on paper, so it might be good to have at least a few tables/desks, but you know your group and room better than we do.

If you have any control over which room you use, definitely pick one that isn't super echo-y (for the sake of your comprehension and our sanity). If there will be interpreters or other accommodations for audience members, be sure to account for that, too, when considering room size and placements of furniture.

1.1.6: Is there a minimum or maximum audience size?

We'll train any group of 5 or more people! That is, if at least 5 people are expected to show up, we'll do the training (even if less than 5 people are actually there on the day of). There's no maximum for in-person trainings, as long as everyone can access the content and we're not breaking fire code.

1.1.7: What if I don't have 5 people?

There are two solutions to this! First, you could invite your friends to bring your total numbers up to 5. (It doesn't have to be a formal affair; we've trained in people's living rooms before.)

Second, you could attend a regularly-scheduled virtual training event! On the events page, you can see every open-to-the-public training that's coming up. We plan to host these somewhat regularly, so even if you can't make the next one, you might be able to make it to the one after that.

Finally, if you still want some good information, but don't have enough people for a full-length training, consider hiring us for a one-hour consultation session. We can answer all of your questions in a more intimate setting and it's a lot less awkward than us doing a formal training for just two people.

1.2 Virtual trainings

1.2.1: What is a virtual training?

A virtual training is one that we present via a meeting software (like Zoom), where every audience member is joining from their own device (and thus each have their own camera and mic). There's a chat where people can ask questions, there are audio controls, and there are ways to manage the experience with keystrokes and mouse clicks. If there's any difference from this regarding where people are and how they're joining, it's a hybrid training, which is detailed below.

1.2.2: Do you do hybrid trainings?

It depends what you mean. We've seen three main types:

Broadcast hybrid is where the two of us (Charlie and Stacy) are doing the training in the same room as the group, but part of the group is watching the training from a different location. There is literally no problem with this, as long as we don't have to broadcast it ourselves. If we do have to broadcast it ourselves, we can sort that out beforehand.

Postage stamp hybrid is where the training group is all in one room, and the two of us aren't. It's so named because our view of the entire room is condensed to the size of a postage stamp on our screen. This isn't ideal; we're projected as flat images, can't interact with the audience in a meaningful way, and don't get to optimize the setup of the room. It's possible to make this better, though. Using a good camera pointed closely at the audience, and a high-quality microphone that every audience members knows to approach and talk into when speaking, this can be a viable format.

Reverse hybrid is where we're in the same room as the tech person/training liaison, and the entire group of attendees is watching the training remotely, for some reason. Don't... don't do this. Please.

1.2.3: What platform do you prefer?


1.2.4: Would you rather make the link yourselves?


1.2.5: But can I make the link myself?

Yes, but please ensure that live transcription/closed captioning is enabled. We may also ask for polls, breakout rooms, or other features depending on the training we're doing?

1.2.6: Is there a minimum or maximum audience size for virtual trainings?

The 5-person minimum for in-person trainings still holds here, but there's no real maximum. We'll note here that as virtual audience sizes surpass 50, the need for chat moderation starts becoming apparent. Whichever one of us isn't actively speaking will usually do it regardless, but it's always good to have someone from your group watch the chat too when there are that many attendees.

1.2.7: Are you okay with recordings of your training for those who couldn't make it to the session?

Yes, on two conditions:

  1. That the recording is only distributed to the members of the group that the training is for; and

  2. That the recording is destroyed after everyone has watched it, or 28 days after it is received.

These trainings change somewhat frequently. We're always working on ways to improve them, whether it's in terms of making them more interactive or updating them to stay with the times. For that reason, we don't really like having old recordings floating around, especially outside of the groups they were intended for. Plus, this is how we make a living, after all.

1.2.8: Can you make a video of the training instead?

In certain situations, yes! Now, it is always best for people to be able to attend the trainings in some way. The interactive component really helps with learning (as does having a real-life trans person there to answer questions), along with a whole host of other things that would be too long to list. That being said, sometimes a video is actually the best solution.

Sometimes, you can't schedule a decently-sized group all at the same time for a whole hour or two to do nothing but a training, and even if you can, you might not make a dent in the total amount of people who need the training. We've seen this in state correctional institutions, as well as in other organizations that either have a high turnover or maintain an intranet-based portal for their members.

At any rate, if a video is right for your group, let us know! It'll be more expensive than a regular training, since we'll have to take pains to personalize things and make them more engaging, but we'll put our hearts and souls into it to make sure it serves the purpose it needs to. (We've both sat through enough boring Zoom recordings to know that videos need to be structured differently to keep one's attention.)

2. Scheduling

2.1 How to schedule

2.1.1: How do I schedule a training?

Fill out the form! We'll get in touch with you to iron out the time, date, and format. If you need some questions answered beforehand, just send both (or either) of us an email. Our addresses are and

2.2 Days and times

2.2.1: What days usually work best for you?

Any, really. We are very accommodating!

2.2.2: What about times?

Stacy: I'm not exactly a morning person. I try not to schedule anything before 11:00am Mountain Time if I can help it, but we work of off your schedule. If it has to be in the morning, it'll be in the morning—and by golly, it'll be a great training no matter what time it's at! If I'm the lead presenter (like for the #234), I'm more than happy to do an evening training!

Charlie: I prefer mornings if I'm the lead presenter (like for the #202). But really, any time works!

2.2.3: Can you do weekends?

Yes! We get asked for weekends seldom enough that we usually don't have to move anything around to accommodate it, either.

2.3 Duration and structure

2.3.1: Can you split a training into two halves?

We can and we have! All we ask is that each half is less than a week apart in time. If they're spaced out longer, the material starts to get difficult to remember when coming back.

2.3.2: Do you take questions during the training, or after?

Both, if it's a virtual training! We've tried to do both for in-person trainings sometimes, but that can lead to us running out of time, since we can't defer getting and subsequently answering the questions. If there are quick questions for clarity during the training, then that's alright. However, for longer questions, we always make sure there's time at the end for questions.

3. Payment

3.1 Pricing

3.1.1: Do you charge taxes?

Yes, for in-state customers! It's usually 7.625% in Albuquerque. If you provide us with a Type 5 NTTC, we'll happily remove the tax from our invoices for you!

For in-person or virtual trainings in New Mexico but outside Albuquerque, please check this map provided by New Mexico Taxation & Revenue.

Tax is calculated after adding mileage (if any).

3.1.2: So, you charge for mileage?

Yes, $0.63 per mile if it's an in-person training outside the Albuquerque metro area! If the address is in Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, Bernalillo, Placitas, Corrales, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, Carnuel, or the South Valley, no mileage will be charged. The number of miles can be calculated by opening up your favorite navigation app, entering "Albuquerque" as your start point, entering your address as the end point, and then doubling the resulting number of miles.

3.1.3: Can I seriously get a free training?

If you're a small business, the family of a trans person, or a group composed primarily of marginalized identities that would not otherwise be able to access a training due to financial barriers, yes! Our Redistribution Fund exists to allow us to do trainings at zero cost to the group receiving them. Be sure to contact us to inquire about the availability of funds for your group.

3.1.4: Can I put money into the Redistribution Fund?

Indeed, you can! Go to the TNET Store to do that.

3.1.5: Does the standard $300-$600 rate scale with audience size?

Nope. Whether it's for 5 people or 100 people, it's the same price. Again, you can always pay us more if you really want to.

3.2 Methods

3.2.1: Do you take cards? Checks? Cash?

Yes, yes, and yes! We use Stripe to enable payment by card. If you want to pay by check, you can send it to us in the mail. And if it's an in-person training, you can hand us the cash after the training if you have it!

3.2.2: What are your payment methods in order of preference?

  1. ACH Direct Deposit

  2. Check

  3. Cash

  4. Card

4. Misc.

4.1: Do you offer CEUs? CMEs? CLEs?

We can, if your organization accredits us! We have our résumés and learning objectives all fired up and ready to go. Apart from that, though, we're not independently accredited.

© 2023-2024 Stacy Fatemi & Charlie Alexander


We offer many different types of consulting—whether it's for families of trans people to bolster acceptance, or for businesses to ensure inclusivity, we have you covered! Take a look below for the different types of consulting we offer.

Our rate for any type of consulting (whether it's for a business or not) is $60 an hour.

For Businesses

Want to find out how to make your business or group more trans-friendly? Need some recommendations for policy, or some professional trans people to take a look at your intake paperwork? Book a meeting with us, and we'll sit down with you in person (if you're in or near the Albuquerque area) or on Zoom (anywhere)!

This is the typical flow of our business consulting services:

  1. First, we will meet you for an hour-long initial assessment of the work ahead of us. If we just have to look over one form, you can probably expect to have everything done by the end of that first meeting.

  2. If we need to comb through massive employee handbooks, a tome of policies and procedures, or anything else that requires more of a time commitment to adequately review, we'll finish our assessment on our own and give you an estimate of how much it'll cost to have another meeting about what needs to change and how to get it done.

  3. If we have another meeting, we will make our recommendations regarding all the material reviewed.

For Families

TNET offers peer support* (via Zoom only) for friends and family of trans folks! Book an hour to sit down with us where you can ask us questions using the language you know, with the assurance that we'll meet you where you're at. This is an opportunity to gain a better understanding of transness in a judgment-free zone. We'd be happy to talk out situations with you and offer other types of support, such as...

  • Recommending resources

  • Brainstorming solutions

  • Aiding in resolving conflicts

As two professional trans people, we can utilize our insight and lived experience to help strengthen acceptance and foster understanding. Our goal is to leave you feeling more supported and less alone in your relationship with your trans loved one!

*This is not a replacement for therapy or other mental health services.
All peer support sessions are confidential.

© 2023-2024 Stacy Fatemi & Charlie Alexander


For each training or workshop, we charge a sliding scale of $300 to $600 depending on your budget and size of business.

For extended Q&A sessions to be added on to any one of our trainings, we charge a flat rate of $1/minute for any amount of time between 15 and 60 minutes.

For our consulting services, our rate is $60/hour.

If you have it in your budget, please consider also sponsoring a training for a group who wouldn’t normally have access to this kind of information! Part of believing in accessibility means believing in zero-cost education. Priority for receiving sponsorship will go to families of trans people, small businesses, and audiences composed mostly of marginalized identities. If you'd like to sponsor some or all of a training for another group, please let us know!

Need a low-to-no-cost training? Contact us and let's chat!

A payment realized by putting cash into Stacy's open hand: two hundred-dollar bills and a fifty. The payer has a rainbow wristwatch, a bead bracelet, a hand tattoo, and a wrist tattoo.

© 2023-2024 Stacy Fatemi & Charlie Alexander

Why 2 hours?

When an introductory transgender training is less than two hours in length, two things happen. First, the participants may attain a false sense of confidence in their knowledge of the material, which can lead to poor outcomes for the trans people they may interact with. Second, we end up having to rush (which makes the intelligibility take a hit), because it's not possible to cover all the necessary material in a shorter period of time. And yes, it's all necessary! We can't call it a full #101 if everybody leaves without knowing how to use pronouns, or what gender expression is. Every topic is key.

If you don't have full two-hour blocks in your schedule for a training, worry not! We can and have split trainings into hour-long segments, separated by a week or less. In fact, splitting it gives people more time to digest the material, and it can lead to better results!

#101: Transgender Cultural Fluency (Outline)

This training covers the following:

  • Definitions of “the big four” concepts necessary to fully understand transness: sex, gender, expression, and orientation;

  • Definitions of “trans(gender)”, “cis(gender)”, and “nonbinary”;

  • The importance of learning about this topic;

  • A deconstruction of common gender norms, expectations, and stereotypes;

  • The prevalence of transness, historically and presently;

  • Models of gender that help conceptualize how nonbinary people fit in;

  • A wealth of information on pronouns;

  • How and why people transition, and the processes that may be involved;

  • Issues faced by trans and nonbinary people;

  • How to be a good advocate for the trans community; and

  • Stacy and Charlie's own stories!

#101 Learning Objectives

  1. Differentiate between the concepts of sex, gender, expression, and orientation to distinguish them as individual concepts.

  2. Describe different ways to transition, as well as the potential motivations, barriers, and outcomes.

  3. Improve one's advocacy towards trans people in one's own life using provided guidance.

#123: School Best Practices for Trans/Nonbinary Students (Outline)

This training covers the following:

  • A review of fundamental terms and concepts;

  • Information and statistics about the struggles faced by young trans people;

  • 10 best practices we recommend school districts and staff adopt for the purpose of investing in the livelihood of their trans and nonbinary students;

  • Nuanced discourse about gendered sports teams, bathrooms, and school policies; and

  • A 15-minute question-and-answer session.

#131: Consent, Boundaries, Gender, and You (Outline)

Outline coming soon

#144: Tucking & Binding Safely and Effectively (Outline)

This workshop covers the following:

  • A quick introduction activity;

  • An overview of tucking and binding: what these processes are, why people do them, and what equipment is involved;

  • Ways of reducing discomfort when tucking or binding for longer periods of time;

  • How to find and size a binder from a reputable brand;

  • A make-your-own gaff activity, with provided materials and scissors; and

  • A question-and-answer session.

#178: Gender Outside the Binary (Outline)

This training covers the following:

  • A review of fundamental terms and concepts;

  • Examples of binaries in various contexts;

  • Discourse regarding societal archetypes of nonbinary people;

  • A metaphor describing genderfluidity, as opposed to fluidity in gender over time;

  • A myth-busting activity centered around four common misconceptions about gender outside of the binary;

  • Erasure as a problem faced by nonbinary people in general;

  • Orientation as it pertains to being nonbinary; and

  • Charlie and Stacy's personal stories!

#178 Learning Objectives

  1. Define concepts about being nonbinary and existing outside of binaries, gender-related or otherwise.

  2. Integrate course concepts into everyday life when meeting, interacting with, and providing care for nonbinary people.

  3. Differentiate four common myths about nonbinary people from the reality of how gender, expression, and appearance interact.

#202: Have Your Trans Intersectionality and Eat It Too (Outline)

This training covers the following:

  • The definition of intersectionality and how it pertains to transness;

  • The difference between erasure and invisiblization;

  • Specific examples of how transness intersects with class, race, ability, and age;

  • Definitions and examples of transphobia, classism, racism, ableism, and ageism;

  • Some historical references relevant to how we see these identity categories today;

  • Opportunities for self-reflection as to how one is positioned within the identity categories that they hold; and

  • Personal stories from Charlie and Stacy!

#202 Learning Objectives

  1. Use a metaphor to make observations about the intersections of identities held by all people and their impact on our lives.

  2. Use course concepts to provide appropriate care for trans people who are lower-class, nonwhite, disabled, and/or of differing age.

  3. Consider context and personal benefit to determine opportunities for action in situations involving marginalized identities.

#234: Busting the Binary in the English Language (Outline)

This workshop covers the following:

  • An overview of why gender-neutral language is important, and what it is exactly;

  • How to use trans people's names properly, and how to avoid using deadnames;

  • A good deal of information about singular they;

  • How to use neopronouns (like xe/xym and fae/faer);

  • How to talk about someone who doesn't use pronouns;

  • How to practice pronouns;

  • Some strategies for managing the spread of information, and correcting others when they misgender trans/nonbinary people;

  • Uses of the word one;

  • Pointing people out in a crowd;

  • Using role instead of gender;

  • Alternatives to common forms of address, like sir/ma'am, Mr./Ms./Mrs., familial terms, and more;

  • Alternatives for masculine generics in general speech/writing;

  • Different forms of metonymy;

  • "People with" constructions for discussing anatomy and physiological processes; and

  • Passive voice.

#234 Learning Objectives

  1. Determine when and how to use chosen names and pronoun sets based on guidance from the trans/nonbinary people to which they apply.

  2. Construct gender-neutral forms of address based on specific details of situations.

  3. Use sentence-structure-based concepts to speak and write about groups and individuals of unknown or mixed gender without using gendered language.

#249: Gender Exploration with Young People (Outline)

This training covers the following:

  • A long section busting a variety of common myths about youth and transness;

  • A discussion about the medicalization of transness;

  • The importance of having gender-supportive skills;

  • Examples of ageism and its many forms;

  • Ways to facilitate conversations with youth directly, as well as with parents and other family members; and

  • Multiple scenarios regarding home and school safety of trans young people, to be worked through in small groups, followed by discussion as a class.

#249 Learning Objectives

  1. Differentiate up to five common myths about trans youth from the reality of how transness is realized, experienced, and interacted with.

  2. Use guidelines and contextual information to support young trans people in novel situations.

  3. Use course concepts to build communication skills around gender and to make thoughtful decisions about how and with whom information should be discussed.

Oh, hey, you actually followed the link! We're not done with the annotated bibliography yet. Check back soon and hopefully it'll be up.

For now, here's an incomplete list of our cited sources.

  1. Fausto-Sterling, Anne. Sex/Gender: Biology in a Social World, Taylor & Francis Group, 2012. ProQuest Ebook Central,

  2. Green, Richard. “Robert Stoller’s Sex and Gender: 40 Years On.” Archives of Sexual Behavior 39, 1457–1465 (2010).

  3. Hyde, Janet Shibley, et al. "The Future of Sex and Gender in Psychology: Five Challenges to the Gender Binary." (2018).

  4. Muehlenhard, C.L., Peterson, Z.D. “Distinguishing Between Sex and Gender: History, Current Conceptualizations, and Implications.” Sex Roles 64, 791–803 (2011).

  5. Unger, Rhoda K. "Toward a redefinition of sex and gender." American Psychologist 34.11 (1979): 1085.

  6. Richards, Christina, et al. “Non-Binary or Genderqueer Genders.” International Review of Psychiatry, no. 1, 2016, p. 95.

  7. James, Sandy, et al. "The report of the 2015 US transgender survey." (2016).

  8. Ingraham, C., 2022. The surprising geography of American left-handedness. [online] Washington Post. Available at:

  9. Roscoe, Will. “Priests of the Goddess: Gender Transgression in Ancient Religion.” History of Religions, vol. 35, no. 3, University of Chicago Press, 1996, pp. 195–230,

#123: School Best Practices for Trans/Nonbinary Students

  1. Schools in Transition (American Civil Liberties Union, National Center for Lesbian Rights, Gender Spectrum, National Education Association, Human Rights Campaign)

  2. Like Walking through a Hailstorm (Human Rights Watch)

  3. Best Practices for Serving LGBT Students (Southern Poverty Law Center’s Teaching Tolerance)

  4. Model School District Policy on Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students (GLSEN, National Center for Transgender Equality)

  5. Examples of Policies and Emerging Practices for Supporting Transgender Students (Dept. of Ed)

  6. Model Local Education Agency Policy On Transgender and Nonbinary Students (GLSEN, National Center for Transgender Equality)

  7. Best Practices for School Counselors Serving Transgender Students (Henry & Grubbs 2016)

  8. Supporting Transgender and Gender Diverse Students in Schools (APA Divisions 16, 44)

  9. Transgender Students in Elementary School: Creating an Affirming and Inclusive School Culture (Mangin 2020)

  10. It's OK to Say "They” (San Diego Pride)

  11. Suggested Best Practices for Supporting Trans* Students (Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Professionals)

  12. Supporting Transgender Students: Understanding Gender Identity and Reshaping School Culture (Myers 2021)

  13. The Educator's Guide to LGBT+ Inclusion (Shane 2020)

  14. Transgender People and Education (Bartholomaeus 2018)

  15. Navigating Gender and Sexuality in the Classroom (McEntarfer 2016)

  16. Teaching, Affirming and Recognizing Trans and Gender Creative Youth (Miller 2019)

  17. Teaching Gender and Sexuality at School (Goldstein 2019)

  18. Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Issues in Education: Programs, Policies, and Practices (Sears 2005)

  19. Legal Guidance on Transgender Student Rights (NEA)

  20. Continuing Best Practices for School Regarding Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students (Vermont Agency of Education)

  21. Guidelines to Support Transgender and Gender Expansive Students (NYC Dept. of Ed)

  22. Transgender Student Guidance for School Districts (New Jersey Dept. of Ed)

  23. Guidelines Regarding the Support of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students (Chicago Public Schools)

  24. Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students in Virginia's Public Schools (Virginia Dept. of Ed)

  25. Guidance on Supports for Transgender Students (Hawaii Dept. of Ed)

  26. Guidance to School Districts for Creating Safe and Supportive School Environments for Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students (USNY State Ed Dept.)

  27. Transgender Inclusion (Society of Health and Physical Educators)

  28. Guidance for Massachusetts Public Schools in Creating a Safe and Supportive School Environment (Massachusetts Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Ed)

  29. Guidance to School Districts: Creating a Safe and Supportive School Environment for Transgender Students (Oregon Dept. of Ed)

  30. Providing Safe Spaces for Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Youth (Maryland Public Schools)

  31. Guidance on Safe and Supportive Learning Environments for LGBT Students (Michigan Dept. of Ed)

  32. Non-Discrimination for Students: Gender Identity and Expression (Albuquerque Public Schools)

  33. The 2019 National School Climate Survey (GLSEN, 2020)

  34. Ryan, Caitlin, et al. “Family acceptance in adolescence and the health of LGBT Young Adults.” Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, vol. 23, no. 4, Nov. 2010, pp. 205–213,

#202: Intersectionality in the Transgender Community

Theory Citations

  1. Electric Brilliancy: Cross-Dressing Law and Freak Show by Clare Sears

  2. Exile and Pride: Disability, Queerness, and Liberation by Eli Clare

  3. Extermination of the Joyas: Gendercide in Spanish California by Deborah A. Miranda

  4. Legitimizing the Transsexual Body as Productive by Dan Irving

  5. Mutilating Gender by Dean Spade

  6. Transgender History by Susan Stryker

Medical Citations

  1. Barriers to Primary and Emergency Healthcare for Trans Adults by Ella Vermeir.

  2. Family Physician Perceptions of Working with LGBTQ Patients: Physician Training Needs by Brenda Beagan, et al.

  3. Improving Healthcare Providers' Interactions with Trans Patients: Recommendations to Promote Cultural Competence by Ella Vermeir et al.

  4. Making Assumptions, Making Space: An Anthropological Critique of Cultural Competency and Its Relevance to Queer Patients by Kelly Baker, et al.

  5. National Transgender Discrimination Survey: Report on Health and Health Care by J. M. Grant.

Here's how my name, Stacy Fatemi, is pronounced:

If that audio file doesn't work for you, here are some ways you might be able to figure out how to pronounce it.

  • "Fatemi" has the same vowels and stress pattern as "spaghetti". That is, the second syllable is stressed, and the vowels are like this:

  • The A is an "uh" sound (like in "cut");

  • The E is an "eh" sound (like in "them");

  • And the I is a long "ee" sound (like in "be").

  • So, you might write "Fatemi" phonetically as fuh-TEH-mee.

  • In the International Phonetic Alphabet, my pronunciation of "Fatemi" would be written [fəˈtʰɛːmiː].

  • If you pronounce "Fatemi" with Spanish phonetics, you'll get close enough.

Here's how my name, Charlie Alexander, is pronounced:

In the International Phonetic Alphabet, my pronunciation of "Charlie Alexander" would be written [ˈt͡ʃɑːɹɫi ˌæɫɪɡˈzæːndɚ].

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Hey, thanks for attending the training and following this link! There's lots of good stuff below. Please do make sure to fill out the evaluation—it only takes a few minutes.

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Hey, thanks for attending the training and following this link! There's lots of good stuff below. Please do make sure to fill out the evaluation—it only takes a few minutes.

Thank you!

Hey, thanks for attending the training and following this link! There's lots of good stuff below. Please do make sure to fill out the evaluation—it only takes a few minutes.

404: Not Found

Or not really so much "not found" as "I intentionally made a link redirect here because making it go to the right place is a little too much work right now." (Sorry. I'll get around to it soon.) -Stacy


Check out the new Events page on The TNET Store!

If you want a training, but don't have a group of 5 or more, you're in luck! Below are all the upcoming virtual public sessions that you can attend.

The suggested ticket cost is $20 per person. As trans people, we appreciate getting paid for our time, energy, and work! If you can't pay that much, or want to pay us more than that, you can name your price at the payment links below each of the training descriptions!

Dates are subject to change without notice unless at least 1 person has already registered, so don’t wait—register today!

*Please enter the date of the training as the memo on your payment.

There aren't any public sessions scheduled right now. Check back regularly or follow us on Instagram to stay abreast of new dates!

Past Events

July 2023

Saturday, July 15th, 2023
12:00pm–1:00pm Mountain Time (convert timezone)

#101: Transgender Cultural Fluency

Presented by Stacy Fatemi & Charlie Alexander

The tried and true workhorse of trans education! Even old pros can learn a thing or two from this training. We'll cover everything you need to know from the ground up, get a little bit of practice in, and learn how we can all be better advocates. This is the 1-hour version of the #101, so come and get a taste!

May 2023

Wednesday, May 17, 2023
6:00pm–8:00pm Mountain Time (convert timezone)

#101: Transgender Cultural Fluency

Presented by Stacy Fatemi & Charlie Alexander

The tried and true workhorse of trans education! Even old pros can learn a thing or two from this training. We'll cover everything you need to know from the ground up, get a little bit of practice in, and learn how we can all be better advocates. Audience interaction is encouraged, especially in the first half hour. There will be a 5-minute intermission, and questions will be answered!

April 2023

Monday, April 17, 2023
3:00pm–5:00pm Mountain Time (convert timezone)

#234: Busting the Binary in the English Language

Presented by Stacy Fatemi

Make gender-neutral language a habit in your everyday speech with this workshop! We'll be learning a couple dozen different strategies, including how to use specific pronouns like xe/xym, how to talk about nonbinary people (and anyone whose gender you don't know), a plethora of alternatives to various forms of address, and even ways to correct misgenderings!

NEW: There's now a worksheet you can fill out during the workshop, so you can do the activities on your own and get all the practice you can get! You'll receive a link to it in the same email that the Zoom link comes in. Register early so you can print it out (if you want), or fill it out digitally on your web browser or PDF viewer!

Wednesday, April 5, 2023
6:00pm–8:00pm Mountain Time (convert timezone)

#101: Transgender Cultural Fluency

Presented by Stacy Fatemi

March 2023

Saturday, March 11, 2023
12:00pm–2:00pm Mountain Time (convert timezone)

#101: Transgender Cultural Fluency

Presented by Stacy Fatemi

February 2023

Tuesday, February 28, 2023
7:00pm–9:00pm Mountain Time (convert timezone)

#234: Busting the Binary in the English Language

Presented by Stacy Fatemi

Sunday, February 12, 2023
11:00am–1:00pm Mountain Time (convert timezone)

#101: Transgender Cultural Fluency

Presented by Stacy Fatemi


Schedule a Call

*These time ranges are in Mountain Time; convert time zones here.

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You can also send an email to or call us at (505) 219-1949.

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Thanks for buying something at our table! Here are a few ways to pay if you don't have cash.

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Hey, thanks for attending the #178 training and following this link! There's lots of good stuff below. Please do make sure to fill out the evaluation—it only takes a few minutes.

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Hey, thanks for attending the #123 training and following this link! There's lots of good stuff below. Please do make sure to fill out the evaluation—it only takes a few minutes.

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Hey, thanks for attending the #249 training and following this link! There's lots of good stuff below. Please do make sure to fill out the evaluation—it only takes a few minutes.

Thank you!

Hey, thanks for attending the #131 training and following this link! There's lots of good stuff below. Please do make sure to fill out the evaluation—it only takes a few minutes.